Home Editor's Pick Stay Hydrated in the Heat: Finding the Right Water Intake

Stay Hydrated in the Heat: Finding the Right Water Intake

El Niño: A Recurring Phenomenon Impacting Southeast Asia’s Weather

El Niño is a recurring phenomenon that takes place every 2-7 years, triggered by increased sea temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean. This occurrence significantly affects Southeast Asian countries, including Malaysia, resulting in drier weather conditions. Staying hydrated during such times is crucial to support physical performance, prevent headaches, and avoid constipation, among other health benefits. Considering that the human body comprises approximately 60% water, maintaining adequate hydration levels is essential.

Higher Risks of Dehydration and Heat-Related Illnesses in Hot Weather

Hot and humid weather increases the risk of dehydration and heat-related illnesses, such as cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. To prevent dehydration during this scorching season, it is crucial to consume plenty of fluids. However, determining the optimal amount of water you should drink to stay hydrated can be challenging.

Water Intake Guidelines: More Than Just the “8 Glasses a Day” Myth

Many people believe in the common recommendation of drinking at least eight 240-millilitre glasses of water daily, totalling nearly two litres. This guideline seems reasonable, especially considering that a significant portion of our water intake comes from food. However, a new study published challenges this one-size-fits-all approach, revealing that individual water needs depend on various factors, including age, activity levels, body weight, altitude, air humidity, and air temperature.

Customizing Water Intake to Meet Your Needs

Determining your optimal water intake can be approached using different methods. For instance, a simple calculation suggests consuming one liter of water for every 25 kilograms of body weight. For example, if you weigh less than 65 kilograms, you may need approximately three litres of water per day.

Unveiling Individual Variations in Water Consumption

To illustrate the diversity in water needs, a team of more than 90 investigators tracked the water consumption of 5,604 individuals across 23 countries. The study’s findings revealed daily averages ranging from one to six litres per person. Notable factors affecting water requirements included age, activity levels, body size, altitude, air humidity, and air temperature.

Given the variability in water requirements, there is no single precise quantity that applies universally. However, most individuals can maintain sufficient hydration by drinking water with each meal, before, during, and after physical activity, and whenever they feel thirsty.

Stay Hydrated and Tailor Your Water Intake to Your Needs

As temperatures rise during hot seasons, it becomes increasingly crucial to stay properly hydrated. Rather than relying on a generic water intake recommendation, consider personalizing your hydration strategy based on factors like age, activity levels, body weight, altitude, and environmental conditions. By paying attention to your body’s cues and incorporating fluid consumption into your daily routine, you can ensure optimal hydration and support your overall well-being, even in scorching weather.



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