Home Editor's Pick Donut Peaches gone viral

Donut Peaches gone viral

Donut peaches, also known as flat peaches or Saturn peaches, have recently gone viral in Malaysia. It is also known as a Saturn peach, pan tao, or peento peach. Donut peaches are native to China, but they are now grown in many other countries, including Malaysia.

These peaches are known for their unique shape, which is slightly indented in the middle, giving them a donut-like appearance. They are also known for their sweet and juicy flavor.

Donut peaches are not native to Malaysia, but they are now grown in a few select areas of the country. The main growing regions for donut peaches in Malaysia are Selangor, Johor, and Pahang. These areas have the right climate and soil conditions for growing donut peaches.

Donut peaches are relatively expensive in Malaysia. A single peach can cost around RM11 each. There are a few reasons for the high price of donut peaches. First, they are a relatively new fruit in Malaysia, and there is still a limited supply. Second, they are a labor-intensive crop to grow. The trees need to be hand-pollinated, and the peaches need to be picked by hand.

Despite the high price, donut peaches are still very popular in Malaysia. They are often eaten fresh, but they can also be used in a variety of recipes, such as salads, desserts, and smoothies.

Donut peaches and peaches are very similar in terms of nutrition. They are both a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as potassium. They also contain antioxidants, which can help protect the body against damage from free radicals.

If you are interested in trying donut peaches, you can find them at select supermarkets and fruit stalls in Malaysia. Be prepared to pay a premium for these delicious fruits!

There are a few places where you can buy donut peaches in KL. Some supermarkets, such as Jaya Grocer and Village Grocer, Hero Market carry them. You can also find them at some fruit stalls and markets.

If you are not familiar with Donut Peach, you can watch our review of the Donut Peach at Tik Tok : Malaysia_China_insight



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