KUALA LUMPUR, June 9 — UMNO can no longer remain nostalgic about past successes and needs to be rebranded as a party of the future, says UMNO General Assembly 2023 delegates.

Bukit Gantang division head Mohammad Sollehin Mohamad Tajie said to achieve that, UMNO should be relevant to present times and not be ‘outdated’.

He said this during the debate session at the general assembly here today.

Alor Gajah division head, Fairul Nizam Roslan said the party would only be strong if all the members are united and have camaraderie as well as refrain from ‘shooting down’ each other.

“Put the party’s interests first so that its survival will be better defended in the future,” he said.

The party’s Sabah communications and strategic director Datu Rosman Datu Ahir Zaman @ Abdul Halim urged UMNO members to immediately deal with the negative perceptions hurled at the party, specifically at the party’s administrative structure.

He said it was crucial to restore the people’s trust in its leadership, thus giving the party confidence to govern the country better.

“…I believe and am confident that whatever decision UMNO makes is for the good of Malaysia and the president (Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi) is not acting alone as he is being guided by musyawarah (consultation) and any decision is reached through discussions,” he said.


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