JOHOR BAHRU, Dec 26 — Mersing is the first district to be hit by floods in Johor following continuous rain since early this morning, prompting the opening of a temporary relief centre (PPS).

In a statement, Mersing District Disaster Management Committee chairman Mohammed Shakib Ali, said the Taman Negara Endau Rompin Complex relief centre was opened at 6 pm today to house 83 evacuees from 25 families.

“The flood-hit area at the moment is Kampung Orang Asli Peta. The road leading to the village has also been cut off due to rising water levels,” he said.

In addition, the road heading to Tenggaroh Timur, Mersing has been closed to all vehicles due to flooding, he added.

Meanwhile, in a Facebook post, Mersing Civil Defence Force (APM) announced it has initiated a flood risk surveillance starting from 8.30 pm today.

“The areas being monitored include the villages of Pulau Tenglu, Kampung Air Papan and Kampung Sermin,” according to the post.


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