KUALA TERENGGANU, Aug 1 — The Health Ministry (MOH) will look into the allegation against the Emergency and Trauma Department of Tuaran Hospital in Sabah, which allegedly failed to provide proper treatment to a patient, resulting in her death.

Health Minister Dr Zaliha Mustafa said the ministry needs to conduct an investigation in order to determine the veracity of the allegation.

“Regarding the Tuaran case, the Sabah State Health Department (JKNS) has issued a statement. We will investigate what actually happened on the day of the incident.

“JKNS will also meet with the victim’s family. We will issue an update from time to time,” she told reporters when assisting the campaign of PKR candidate for the Kuala Terengganu parliamentary by-election Azan Ismail in Bukit Kecil here today.

Dr Zaliha said so far, the ministry could not provide any detailed explanation of the incident but did not simply deny the allegation because the complaint had been made by the victim’s family.

According to Tuaran Member of Parliament Datuk Seri Madius Tangau, who visited the victim’s family, he was informed that the patient was initially taken to Tuaran Hospital after experiencing pain due to a fall.

However, the hospital found no serious problems and allowed the patient to return home after undergoing an examination.


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