PUTRAJAYA, June 11 – Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim announced that the savings from targeted diesel subsidies will be redirected to the people, particularly through improved public transportation and the Rahmah Cash Contribution (STR).

Acknowledging that the targeted subsidy is not a popular move, Anwar, who is also the Finance Minister, stated that the measure would result in savings of RM4 billion annually and has undergone thorough research at numerous levels before being implemented.

“The savings (from targeted diesel subsidies) will support public transportation needs.

“Imagine the STR for nine million recipients of direct cash subsidy, which amounts to RM10 billion. The funds from the targeted subsidy are not for increasing ministerial allowances or other interests; I focus on assisting the people,“ he said during a gathering of Ministry of Finance staff here on Tuesday.

The price of diesel at all retail stations in the Peninsula was set at RM3.35 per litre starting yesterday (June 10), which is the unsubsidised market price based on the average for May 2024 according to the Automatic Price Mechanism formula.

Anwar also insisted that he will continue to do his best for the country despite being criticised from various aspects and wants to prove that not all politicians are looters, arrogant and abuse the people.

“Just as the people say about targeted subsidies (diesel), I have also been criticised a lot (also) about the civil servant salary scheme.

“But I don’t care if they want to to admonish me, I have a mandate and I will do it. When the time comes I have to go, I’ll go. But while I am here, I am going to stay and fight for what is right to make sure Malaysia emerges as a great nation in Asia,“ he said.

In another development, Anwar explained that as a country with a low inflation rate in Asia, it does not guarantee that there will be no increase in the price of goods even though he does not want that to happen.

“The lowest inflation in Asia means that small increases are still happening,“ he said, adding that he goes to the ground every week to immerse himself in the lives of the people.

The Prime Minister also emphasised that some of the government’s major decisions at the moment are to save the country and improve certain aspects including public transport, education, digital and artificial intelligence.


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